Friday, February 09, 2007


Cisco VPN client on Windows under QEMU on Solaris

Okay, nothing terribly exciting to see here. It's another addition to the who-knows-how-many blog entries out there about how someone managed to get some OS working in a virtual machine under another OS.

So I got Windows working under QEMU under Solaris x86 on my laptop. The reason for doing this was so that I would be able to be able to VPN into work without actually having to boot into Windows.

(BTW, I'm using the SUNWqemu package available here.)

And here's the obligatory screenshot. Just to be cute, I took a recursive screenshot:

What was your network setup on qemu that allowed the vpn client to work in XP? What version of the client?

Every time I try the it the network fails to work in XP. I'm using the default network configuration.

NV59/ 64bit Qemu from OpenSolaris site/ Cisco VPN client 4.8.
From the other perspective, a vpn is the obvious way to ensure that when in-house staff are on the road they can tunnel into corporate systems. If someone breaches your VPN they get everything," he says.
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